Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ladies Night at Mohegan Sun

Last night I met up with Cory, Michele & Chelsea at Mohegan Sun Casino for dinner, drinks and a lot of laughs. Kyle was with us too, but we dropped him off at Foxwoods Casino to play a little poker. It was great catching up with the girls!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My big 3-0!

For my 30th birthday Kyle took me to see Kooza, the traveling Cirque du Soleil show. We had great great in fact I was nervous I was going to be pulled onto the stage to be part of the show!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Michigan Surprise Party

My parents surprised me with a 30th birthday party while I was in Michigan for the weekend.

Steph's Baby Shower

Over the weekend I flew to Michigan for Stephanie's baby shower. There were quite a few people from our side of the family that didn't know what she was having prior to the shower, but after she opened all of her gifts, it became clear that JP's relatives knew exactly what she was having!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Bene-Loftus Wedding

Yesterday, one of my college friends Lauren Bene got married in New Jersey. Kyle couldn't make it because of baseball and Melanie's fiance Matt couldn't make it because of his work so Mel & I, along with Melissa and her husband Josh, drove down to see our roommate get married. We had quite an adventure finding the church (who knew there were 2 different churches within miles of each other with the same name?!) but once we arrived at the right church we witnessed a beautiful ceremony. The reception was amazing--it was probably the most extravagant party I have ever been to. The bride and groom were gorgeous and we all had a great time!!